Jumat, 11 Februari 2011

posstingan ke 2 kebingungan!!!!

kenapa saya kebingungan?? karna tadi saya melawan musu yg MH nya ngetarani wkakwakwa,,apa kah mh itu??
MH=Manusia Hina
        -Manusia Homo
        -Makhluk Halus
ya itu kepanjangan dari mh,,namun jangan terkecoh,,sebener nya MH ialah ,,Dedededenng!! MAP HACK!!!!
bagai mana cara kerja MH??? sebenar nya,, dulu saya pernah menggunakan MH,,cara kerja MH ialah membuat map yg di pojok kiri layar komputer kita TERANG seterang Lampu Philips,,jadi misalkan ada musu yg mau mbokong ga bakal bisa karna ada MH,,TAPI siapa saja yg menggunakan MH adalah MANUSIA HINA!! hehehehe brarti TS nya MH donk???mungkin,,tapi saya mengguna kan MH di lan bukan di BN(battle net) jadi tidak hina hina amat,,
hehehehe,,apakah mh berguna,ia MH sangat berguna Namun mh merugikan musuh dan teman kita sendiri ,karena ketika kita menggunakan Program MH,,orang2 yg berada di team kita akan menjadi lag,,!! jadi jgn pernah menggunakan MH di BN,,sekian dari saya wasalam

Kamis, 10 Februari 2011

Guide blood seeker aka STYGWYR

hmmm,,,ini postingan pertama saya,,kenapa saya memberika postingan guide pertama adalah blood seeker??
karena itu hero yg gampang plus paling saya kuasai,,
a.skill skill blod seeker,,
Bloodrage (D)
Drives a unit into a bloodthristy rage. That unit is unable to cast spells, has its attack damage increased, and loses a small amount of hit points every second. 
Level 1 - Increases damage by 20%, takes 20 HP per second, lasts 6 seconds.
Level 2 - Increases damage by 40%, takes 20 HP per second, lasts 7 seconds.
Level 3 - Increases damage by 60%, takes 20 HP per second, lasts 8 seconds. 
Level 4 - Increases damage by 80%, takes 20 HP per second, lasts 9 seconds. 
• Damage type: magical 
• Bloodrage can be casted on an allied, enemy or neutral unit. 
• Casting range: 600
Mana Cost: 80
Cooldown: 12/10/8/6 
Comment: This skill is versatile, u can use this on spellcasters to silence them so you can escape or kill.You also can use this on yourself for increased damage.wakakak karena saya males menulisnya copas aja ya om/tante hehehe

Blood Bath (B)
Whenever Strygwyr kills a unit, he bathes himself in the blood, regenerating his life source. If Strygwyr does not kill a hero but is within 200 aoe when the hero dies, he will still regenerate hp. 
Level 1 - Regenerates 10% of the Hero's max hp, 5% for 200 aoe. 10% for creeps.
Level 2 - Regenerates 20% of the Hero's max hp, 10% for 200 aoe. 15% for creeps.
Level 3 - Regenerates 30% of the Hero's max hp, 15% for 200 aoe. 20% for creeps. 
Level 4 - Regenerates 40% of the Hero's max hp, 20% for 200 aoe. 25% for creeps. 
• Denied creeps and heroes will also trigger Bloodbath, illusions will not trigger Bloodbath. 
• Strygwyr will regenerate hp regardless of how he killed the unit, be it with spells, items or attacks. 
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A 
Comment: Regains % of hp after killing the enemy unit,useful throughout the game.
hmm,,mnurut wa ini skil yg mbuat stygwyr jadi BLOOOD SEEEKKEER,,hehehe skil ini sangat berguna ,, karna kalo kita lasthit ke moster 20% nyawa moster itu buat kita(semacam life steal),,

Strygwyr`s Thirst (T)
Enables Strygwyr to sense the bleeding of any enemy hero below 40% hp. If it finds one, Strygwyr gains vision of that unit and increases move speed. 
Level 1 - Increases movement speed by 11%. Grants vision of the target, lasts until no nearby valid target exist.
Level 2 - Increases movement speed by 22%. Grants vision of the target, lasts until no nearby valid target exist.
Level 3 - Increases movement speed by 33%. Grants vision of the target, lasts until no nearby valid target exist. 
Level 4 - Increases movement speed by 44%. Grants vision of the target, lasts until no nearby valid target exist. 
• Strygwyr's Thirst is not triggered by Illusions. 
• Invisible units will show up on the minimap, but won't be able to get targeted directly. If a target order (attack or spell) has been set on them before they go invisible, the order will be fulfilled. Units can also autoattack these invisible units. 
• Area of Effect: 1500/3000/4500/6000 
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A 
Comment: This is to me The best skil for bloodseeker.When enemies have below 50% hp,you and your alies gain vision of them,and invisible units can be seen on minimap.You will gain 44% movement increase,with power threads and this skill you will 522 movement speed.
hm... bisa bahaasa ingris kan om???kalo ga isa google translet deh,,hehehehe

Rupture (R)
Deals a mighty blow to the enemy causing any movement to result in bleeding and loss of life. 
Level 1 - 150 initial damage. Deals 20% of the distance moved as damage, lasts 5 seconds.
Level 2 - 250 initial damage. Deals 40% of the distance moved as damage, lasts 7 seconds.
Level 3 - 350 initial damage. Deals 60% of the distance moved as damage, lasts 9 seconds. 
• Damage type: pure 
• Deals a maximum of 200 damage per 0.25 seconds. If a unit exceeds the 200 damage cap in less than the stated time, it will not receive damage. 
• Casting range: 1000 
Mana Cost: 150/200/250
Cooldown: 70 
Comment: This skill is another useful skill.Use this on a hero that is half hp if he runs he would get damaged if he does not move u attack him with bloodrage cast on yourself to kill him.This skill can be also use to escape when u are on the verge of dying,cast this on the person chasing you so he will stop.
NO coment==
B.SKILL build
kalo menurut gw skill build nya gini gan
*BB=blood bath
BR=blood rage
St=Strygwyr`s Thirst
1.blood bath/blood rage
2.blood rage/blood bath
3.styghwyr thirs
4.blood bath
item build
early game
om om kenapa blood seek masi beli pot ,, kan uda ada skill blood bath yg buat nambah darah??kenapa kita beli pot,,karena ,,,,dedededeng!!!ga selama nya kita bisa last hit??hehehee jadi kalo terdesak abis di bokong tapi  ga mati,.. gunakan lah potion kalian ..hehehehehehehe
CORE item
magic wand
PHasee bots
kenapa phase boot??karena kalo uda lvl 6 kan rupture make nya dari jauh tuh om,,nah abis musu di rupture sebelum rupture nya abis klik phase boot mu,...lari pukulin dah tu musu sampe bonyok.,,,...


sange AND yasha

Blade mail
om om kenapa harus beli sny??bukan nya lebih baek lgsg radiance??waka waka e e.. kalo menurut gw radiance itu kemahalan,,trus sny itu lebih berguna karna nambah speed.slow dan sangat mengerikan,.,kalo bm tau sendirikan ,, kalo ak biasa nya beli bm dolo baru sny,,hehehe ,, tapi lian kondisi musu dolo

late item

ethereal blade

buriza do kyanon

lotar edge

buter fly....

MONKEY king bar
om om,, kok late item nya banyak banget???kan tas nya ga cukup??== di pilih to.,,, liat siskon om ,,kalo msu nya banyakc hiiteer beli buter fly,,kalo mau mainan petak umpet beli lotar,,kalo mau sakit beli mkb,,terserah lah,,hehehehe

cara maen nya,,,,walaah walah...
pas masi kecil=last hit dan denided creep sebanyak banyak nya,,,,,sampe km sukses

MID=pertama anggap aja uda jadi phase magic wand sama BM,,nah DO IT!!!misalnya kamu melihat seseorang seperti rasta sedang keasikan creepingan di line tgh.,,,1.WAKAKAKAK,,,tertawalah dgn licik hingga menakuti orang di samping kamu,,2.rupture lah RASTA tersebut,,3 mendekat lah seraya mengklik phase bot mu,,namun sebelum rasta jadiin km ayam/ ngiket km silent lah rasta dgn BLOOD rage,,nah,,rasta kan diem,,ga isa skill,,dan termenung sambil bersedih datangiilah dia dan pukulin,,namun jangan lupa aktifkan BM mu,,karna itu sangat berguna,,rasta nya jadi takut ngehit kamu.....nah pukulin tu rasta sampe mati,,ta da..... selesai,,hehehehe,namun kalo yg di tgh hero kyk naix,,sbaik nya jgn di deketin toh km rupture nanti dia transfrom,,ga guna deh rupture mu,, hehehehe,,
sekian dulu dari saya ,, bue bue